WOJTEK: The Happy Warrior'Wojtek: The Happy Warrior' is a playful imagining based on the unbelievable true story of Private Wojtek; a Syrian Brown Bear who was enlisted into the Polish Army Corp during WW2. Wojtek (translation: happy warrior) lived with his Polish soldier comrades in the Middle East and eventually saw action with his Artillery Company at the battle of Monte Cassino. Wojtek eventually travelled to Scotland with his unit after the war in search of a new life. After camping in Palestine, going to war in Europe and living in the boarder territory of Scotland, Wojtek spent the end of his life as a resident of the Edinburgh Zoo. The city is now planning to honour him and his Polish comrades with a commemorative statue.
Through Ensemble storytelling, live music and playful physical characterisation ‘Quarter Too Ensemble’ bring to life a version of true events that highlight the nature of friendship and empathy against the chaos of war.
Watch Wojtek Wrestle, ride in army trucks, set sail for war and aid the fight in the largest land battle in WW2 as the company bring a rag-tag selection of army issue objects to life. The ensemble take it in turns to show us how Wojtek the Bear saw his own story, and how the conflict of war can leave some with nothing to go back for. The show is created for a family audience with an advisory 7yr+ Running time 60mins approx. |